One of my favourite pastimes is scouring our local markets for quirky treasures like this photograph.  It was one of a few images I found among lobby cards from movies and Television.   With a little help from Google and Facebook fan communities I have been able to identify the other images.  I have had no such luck with this one however.

still from unknown movie, possibly featuring Stanley Baxter

still from unknown movie, possibly featuring Stanley Baxter

This image is hilarious.  My guess is 1960’s British, Bawdy Comedy, possibly featuring Scottish actor, Stanley Baxter????

It was a very simple restoration with just exposure correction, black and white conversion plus some simple repair of missing sections and removal of spots and scratches.  I am really keen to add colour to it as well.

If there are any TV / movie buffs who may be able to help me identify this movie or program, I welcome your suggestions.



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